Charbonneau Men’s Club (CMC) Board Meeting January 7, 2025 MINUTES
Attending: Benesh, Bonino, Brown, Fieweger, Groshong, Harp, Johnson, McLeod, Stout, Tyler, Vaughn and Williams
Absent: no one
Guests: Tom Taylor, Perry Esterson and Don Larson
President Greg Benesh called the meeting to Order at 3:01 pm. G Benesh: Reviewed the Agenda point by point
Perry Esterson: Greens and Maintenance. PE said the drainage installations on the course during the last couple years have been working very well giving us playable lies during the several straight days of rain. Projects: Yellow #5 tee box is be leveled, others will targeted during the winter.
Spencer Groshong: Invitational SG pointed out that committees are being set up for to staff the Invitational, meetings with Chris Bensel are taking place. Expect an Update of the Invitational at the February board meeting. SG said the food caterer for the Bob Shur celebration of Life was excellent and will try to get them on the approved list with Charbonneau.
Richard McLeod: Social & Membership RM said credit card use for membership sign up has been a big success. Only a few glitches – 5 members signed up twice. 40 memberships did not renew (same as last year). The numbers to date:
2024 (Jan) : 202 memberships (15 new this year, 18 both 9 & 18holes) 2025 (Jan) : 204 memberships ( 13 new this year, 9 both 9 & 18 holes)
The 2024 season officially had 242 members. We expect about the same for 2025 with additional sign ups thru April. Plan to send out an email blast next week to the 40 who have not renewed thus far. Good luck with your surgery Richard!
MOTION brought to the floor by Lloyd Johnson: If a CMC member signs up for the season using a credit card MORE than once, the second sign-up fee ($100) will assume to be donated to the Scholarship Fund for that year.
MOTION seconded by Bill Stout. GB asked the Board for discussion, then a voice vote. The MOTION was carried/ adopted by voice vote.
Tim Bonino – Social: The Chili/Chowder Feed on Jan 15 Update, 57 plan to attend. Another email blast will go out this week. Last year, for the event there were roughly 100 attending. There will be a cash bar, and we expect to have 20 volunteers from CWGA, plus 9from the Niner’s to help. The official name of the recipient of this event is the Charbonneau Golf Associations Student Service Award. Eligible are: current student employees in good standing, and pursuing a degree from a college of trade school.
Mike Williams: Treasurer Mike submitted to all board members pre-meeting at Jan 4, 2025 Balance Sheet and Income statement. Current asset balance is $20,000 + because of memberships. No outstanding bills at this time.
Gene Harp & Tim Tyler: Tournaments GH and TT completed the CMC 2025 Tournament schedule approved by the Board last month. All board members received a copy prior to this meeting. This official schedule will be printed in the Directory to handed out at the welcome breakfast April 12th.
Bill Stout: Scoring Don Larson has been added to the Pairing/Scoring Committee. BS plans to have a Scoring committee meeting in the next month for updates from Golf Genius. To change a pairing (adding a player), the player must contact the Scoring committee person working that event – the Pro Shop will not be able to make the changes. BS pointed out – the CMC still needs to focus on ‘pace-of-play’. GH added that the “A” player in each foursome has to take charge of moving his group along. This was decided at our Dec CMC board meeting.
Ton Vaughn: 9 Hole Group Tom and Joe S have strengthened the 9 Hole group not only in numbers (so far for next season 35 players) but also for variety of events. TV shared the results of his recent 9 Hole member Survey. Majority wish to play earlier on Wednesday (ahead of the LO women’s group) and start about 9
am – the opposite of last season). The 9 Hole group enjoys the general Scramble events and are feeling more connected as CMC members.
Lloyd Johnson: Website Lloyd has redesigned the website home page and included in the forefront a “call to action” of 3 pictures noting a) GG results of past matches, b) a calendar of upcoming tournaments scheduled, and c) social events upcoming. Each allows you to access the event. These windows change as the date passes. Lloyd will be in Mexico – Feb 16.
Tim Bonino – Publicity Tim continues to write an amusing and newsworthy column each month for the CMC in the Villager – Thanks Tim!
Mike Brown – OGA Why is my handicap dropping? I haven’t submitted any scores lately. MB explained that our Courses are being “re-rated”. Mike and Chris Bensel will host Gretchen’s group from the OGA to potentially revise the Charbonneau course(s) rating and slope values due to changes our grounds crew has made during the year (traps, tee boxes, trees, etc.). MB said he’ll have an update for us at the Feb Board meeting
President Greg Benesh adjourns the meeting at 4:02 pm
Next CMC Board Meeting – February 4
Joe Fieweger – Secretary