Call to Order by President Greg Benesh 3:14 pm
Card Room of the Charbonneau Clubhouse
Began with a Pizza Party courtesy of President Greg Benesh. Pizza and beverages
ordered from the Marketplace Café.
Attending: Benesh, Bonino, Brown, Fieweger, Groshong, Harp, Johnson, McLeod,
Stout, Tyler and Williams. Absent: Vaughn
Guests: Chris Bensel, Perry Esterson, Tom Taylor
G Benesh: Greg said that the Board Guidebook will be updated and put on the
CMC website in December.
The Chilli/Chowder Fundraiser will be on Wednesday, January 15 in the
Clubhouse. The money raised goes to the Scholarship Fund.
P Esterson & C Bensel: Update on CGC. Red Course will remain opened for play
all winter. Seven trees will be cut down this winter. They are identified with a red
band around the trunk.
The CGC Board unanimously voted to prohibit “five-somes” to play on all the
The new practice area ‘sand trap and green’ will be ready in February ’25. New
bent grass seeding is being brought in. Also, new practice area netting will be
installed in March ’25, replacing the current netting.
G Benesh: Review of Presidents meeting with CWGA and Niners. C Bensel
mentioned that an invitation to join the CMC was sent to the entire database
(which includes the two women’s associations) of 10,000 names. 5300 people
opened the email message. There are also posters in each of the 3 on-course
bathrooms regarding CMC membership.
At the President’s meeting, shared play dates were brought up. These would be
random pairing of women association members with CMC members which
doesn’t include spouses. G Harp said an impromptu survey of the current CMC
members regarding the ‘shared day’ was met with very little enthusiasm or
interest. CMC members don’t want to give up their normal play days (Wed & Sat)
for a ‘shared event’ with the women. Yet, if the date were scheduled for a
Tuesday or Thursday, there may be interest.
S Groshong: The Invitational ’25 The entire Event details will be outlined by the
end of January. The Survey sent to all CMC members has been received and
studied. 60 respondents came up with ideas and some complaints. The thought
at this time is to change to start times to early morning, and to perhaps make a
slight change in the format. No conclusions drawn this far. C Bensel said not
one person asked him to help find a playing partner (not a current CMC member).
He is willing to provide partners from his public player database. This shouldn’t
be an excuse not to sign up for the Event. It was pointed out by several Board
members that our Invitational is not only fun, but also has a reasonable entry fee.
The dates for the Invitational will be Aug. 7 and Aug 8.
R McLeod: Membership & Social Richard said the current 2025 membership is
at 106 as of December 1. 94 paid via credit card. E Johnson said it is ‘time’ for
another email blast announcement to the 2024 membership (242) to sign-up
before year end and save $20.
Richard and T Bonino said Nortons will be the caterer for the Chilli/Chowder
January 15th Event in the clubhouse. Tim added that the other two associations
(CWGA and Niners) will help promote the Event. Price per person is $15, yet we
may make it $16 in ensure a nice gratuity for Nortons. CMC members will have to
provide help with dinning room set up, take down and clean up for this one.
Plastic table clothes were suggested ($1.25 each at the Dollar store).
M Williams: Financial Report Mike sent financials to the Board members before
this meeting. As of Nov. 30, 2024, we have collected $10,900 in dues for 2025.
All 2024 prizes and commitments have been paid to this point.
T Vaughn: 9 Hole Golfers: Tom has worked with Tom Tayler and S Groshong to
send out a 9 Hole golfer survey for input on new games and events to try for next
season. The 9 Hole group has grown substantially from the work of Tom and Joe
G Harp & T Tyler: Tournaments The Tournament Committee has been actively
meeting to create the CMC play schedule for 2025 – both 18 hole and 9 hole
schedules. It is nearly complete. A meeting is planned for Dec 5 to finish it up.
B Stout: Scoring Bill said that Don Larson will be added to the Scoring
Committee. Don is experienced and should have no issues with pairing and
scoring. New in 2025 will be a required sign up date one day earlier than last
season. For example: For the CMC Wednesday game – sign up by the previous
Sunday night, for the CMC Saturday game – sign up by previous Wednesday night.
L Johnson: CMC Website Lloyd said he is ready to begin posting the both the
GOLF and the SOCIAL calendars for the 2025 season on the website. The CMC
Board Minutes of our meetings are now posted (by law) on the website.
T Bonino: Publicity & Scholarship Tim said that the three Scholarship winners
have all been contacted, and are thrilled. The presentation is planned for the Pro
Shop on December 27th at 11 am. The winners are: Sara Ellerton $1650,
McKenna Rump $1650, and Kaydence Meikle $2100. Contributions came from:
Chili/Chowder 700, Niners 660, CWGA 1038, Pro Shop 1000, and CMC 2000. Total
of $5400. Tim said that the Villager article will feature ‘high-lights’ of the
upcoming ’25 Events, sign up rules for next season, and include a separate article
about the Scholarship winners with recognizing the three associations that
M Brown: OGA Mike said the OGA will be “re-rating” the Charbonneau courses
be not sure when this will be in 2025. Will know more next month.
All Board members had fun with the Pizza Party today!
Meeting adjourned at 4:20 pm
Joe Fieweger
Next Board Meeting January 7 at 3 pm