
CMC Board Meeting (JULY 3, Monday) MINUTES

CALL TO ORDER 3 pm – Location– Card Room 3:04 pm
QUORUM present: Mason, Brown, Lloyd, Tyler, Groshong, Fieweger, Benesh,
Stout, Bonino, Harp, McLeod
July 4th Couples Event – rumors that the heat may cause several couples to not
show. Bill Stout will send another message to all those signed up that the dinner
will be in the clubhouse (with AC) not the Pavilion. Post July 4th: Only had two
couples not show, The Event went very well and the Dinner was excellent. The
email message from Bill on the 3rd was a great idea.
July – Appoint Nominating Committee for recruiting new talent G Benesh
potentially has two – four possible new recruits for the CMC board openings. No
definite commitments at this time. (Swanson, Emerson, Hitz, Toma, and
Aug – Develop Next Year Budget, Treasurer and all Chairs G Benesh has
already been working with Don2 to take over the Treasurer’s post. Greg
submitted an updated Balance Sheet and Income statement (working with Don2)
to the board on July 1, 2023. Don2 will continue to work on the financial report
for the Invitational (Aug) as more funds are received.
Aug – Publish Notice of Annual Meeting Date, Secretary Joe F will provide the
Annual Meeting Date (unknown at this time) in July – before the next Board
Meeting Aug 1.
CGC Monthly report – Perry Esterson Perry has met with Chris B and says that
Matt (Supt) and some of his staff have nearly been hit/ or hit by golf ball several
times. Players need to show more courtesy to our maintenance staff. Message
here is ‘don’t speak with nor confront the staff members if there is an issue –
send an email to ChrisB’.
Current protocol for course play (Summer): the 9 hole side opens for play each
day at 9 am. The 18 hole side is opened as soon as the pro shop is opened.
Spence G wants a new “red-stripe” around the lakes. Perry E says send request
to Chris B. Perry said he will review all OB white stakes ahead of the Invitational.

NEW BUSINESS: Don1 brought up the current CMC policy for Couples holiday
events – should it be altered? (See #1 below)
Gene H proposed a MOTION that the policy be revised in case the OTHER
Charbonneau golf associations wish to host a holiday event. Joe F will pen an
adjustment to make the policy more inclusive. Gene H edited the final.
MOTION carried, adjustment to Policy made (see below).

  1. Social Events Policy currently reads: Does this CURRENT policy need to be
    changed or modified?
     Social events which are couples tournaments, including the traditional
    holiday tournaments (Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day)
    will be either two-person teams composed of one man and one woman,
    one of whom much be a member of the CMC, the CWGA or the Niners, or
    a four-person team composed of two men and two women, of which only
    two of the four players may be guests, and the other two must be a
    member of either the CMC, the CWGA or the Niners. Guests must have
    an established USGA handicap to participate in prize awards based upon
    the competition, or be assigned a zero handicap.
    MY EDITED POLICY….thought we decided it would be a CMC event and
    the men on the teams needed to be CMC members. This will be a change
    needing to be sent and acknowledged by CWGA and the Niners.

Proposed Change (Gene)
 Social Events that are Couples tournaments, sponsored by the CMC,
including the traditional holiday tournaments (Memorial Day, Independence
Day and Labor Day) will be either two person teams composed of one man
and one woman, or four person teams composed of two men and two
women. The male players on either a two person or 4 person team will be
a member(s) in good standing of the Charbonneau Men’s Club. Female
partners for these events, must have an established USGA handicap to
participate, or be assigned a zero handicap.
Tom Taylor sent an email (July 4th) to all members suggesting that after team
play that is followed by a meal (Men’s Night Out, Couples events) that the teams
sit together at the same table for the meal.

  1. Should we require payment at the time of registration for special events? – Bill
    MOTION proposed by Bill S – Require payments of all players at the time of
    Sign-up in the pro shop, prior to all CMC special Events.
    MOTION carried
  2. Should we lower the registration fee for new members after July 1 as we have
    done the last several years?
    MOTION proposed by Don1. Men wishing to join the CMC after August 1 will be
    allowed to pay the reduced member price of $75 for the remainder of the current
    season ending Oct 15.
    MOTION carried
    Vice President Report: Groshong
    The INVITATIONAL Update. Spence G.
    YES, we are on. Proceeding to gain more sign-up teams. The CURRENT
    number of two man teams is now 55 – expecting to get over 60 in next couple
    weeks. Target is 72
    Spence provided a helpful Tournament budget Estimate using 60 teams and
    showing the expenses, prizes, and misc. costs.
    Resers will donate some of the food (thru Ron Leeper), Pepsi will donate some
    beverage products. CWGA will provide food for the cocktail party. Spence says
    this Budget is a working document with changes week to week. He will re-send
    another notice to CMC members not signed up to participate – to exceed the 60
    team level. Still seeking more corporate sponsors.
    Membership: __ members: McLeod 234 current CMC membership 6/30
    Publicity/Communications (Mason, Groshong):
    Treasurer Report (Lloyd and Benesh)
     Review Financial Reports sent prior to meeting
    Tournaments: Tyler, Harp “Guest Day” 7/8 8:30 am shotgun start. Hot dogs and
    beer for $5.
    Gene H says New “cover” for the patio will start next week (w concrete). The rest
    of the structure will be arriving by mid –July. Tables and Umbrellas will be
    moved to the grassy rose garden area until the patio cover structure is complete

by early August. Tim T reminded all – Men’s Night Out is July 12 – expecting
to serve a nice pasta bar dinner.
Social: McLeod
OGA Liaison (Brown): Update Mike B reports that the pump in the river has been
fixed – all is working well.
Golfer complaints: tee boxes raggedy – allowed to be in same location too long.
Pro shop says players take too many practice swings on the boxes. CMC should
be vigilant.
Market Café is doing well. Golf Course is doing very well!
July 1 Charbonneau Golf has 412 yearly passes – all associations
CGC Inc. Advisory Committee Liaison (Brown): Update
Interclub Cooperation Committee (Mason, Groshong): Update
CONFIRM NEXT MEETING DATES: (Updated for 2023) All meetings are at 3
pm, unless noted otherwise. Tentatively set for CCC Card Room.

August 1
September 5
October 3
November 7
December 5
ADJOURN: __ pm 4:45 pm