
CMC Board Meeting – May 6, 2024 (3 pm)


Attendees: Benesh, Bonino, Brown, Fieweger, Groshong, Harp, Johnson, McLeod, Stout, and Tyler.  Absent excused – Williams.

Guests:  Perry Esterson, Tom Taylor

Spring Handicap TournamentGene Harp mentioned that the Spring Handicap event has the lowest participation by the CMC for various reasons:  committed for 2 consecutive Sat. mornings, $25 entry fee, and the normal “I never win”. The tournament committee chairman (GH) said 2023 Spring Handicap had just 42 entrants, this year was 45.  A MOTION was made by GH, 2nd by Tim Tyler that the entrant in this event must play the 18 holes on the designated consecutive Saturdays, yet be allowed, due to personal schedule, to play and complete the 18 holes at a different time during the same Saturdays.  Completing an 18 hole round on a day other than the designated Spring Handicap days would not count.  The MOTION was carried by voice vote.  2024 entrants will be notified on the 1st Saturday of the Event.

Bill Stout said that the Pro Shop will reduce the CMC tee time block from 18 to 17.  During the 2023 season, the CMC averaged 58 players per Event.  17 tee times for foursomes is 68 players.  The Board agreed via voice vote – Pro Shop will cut our block to 17.  Through experience, often players will cancel their times, or are just ‘no shows’.  GG has an effective way to handle ‘wait listed’ players.

Men’s Night Out (May 1) had 90 players.  The most participants the CMC has had for an event in some time.  There was an issue with some members on just how the 2 man scramble worked;   but the easy part about GG scoring is just to enter the gross score and let the software do its thing.  The Pace of play was within acceptable limits for such a large crowd.  It was pointed out that a 4 man scramble format would have likely far exceeded Pace of play guidelines. Afterwards, many of the players were hoping there would be assigned tables by team.  For the next MNO we will be able to designate team tables.    

Memorial Day Couples Event.  A flyer will go out to announce that besides the 18- hole scramble event there will be a 9-hole group as well.  18-hole entrants will go Red- Yellow, 9-hole entrants will start later on Green in order to finish and dine at the same time.  The dinner fee is $28 per person.

Lloyd Johnson announced that the new CMC website is set up to take credit card payments for Memorial Day Couples as well as all upcoming Events.

Perry Esterson (Greens & Maintenance committee of the Golf Board) Andrew Conner is our new Charbonneau GC Superintendent.  His immediate focus will be on Green, and the improving bunker drainage.  CB just agreed to 340 t of sand ($40k).  This could go on for 2 months.  

Spence Groshong Men’s Invitational (Aug)  SG has sent out 4 sponsorship letters to Wilsonville and area merchants, expects to get responses in July.  Looks like 3 may commit.  A new entry form will be sent via email blast to all CMC members.

Richard McLeod Membership is now at 234!  That’s +29 from 2023.  R M is changing the CMC registration form to explain in detail the variations of the 18 hole and 9 hole schedules/notifications.  RM provided us a list of 29 members who have not renewed.  The Board noted that most had reasons like moving or disabilities for not renewing.  RM initiated the ‘Buddy System’ for new members. So far, most of the new members have been contacted by Board members.  This will be explained in detail on the CMC website.

Tim Tyler (Tournaments) suggested that the Wed CMC game (5/7) be changed from the scheduled ‘one man scramble’ to low gross/low net format because of expected very long pace of play.  A ‘one man scramble’ for the foursome could take an hour longer than expected pace.  TT will notify Pro Shop.

Joe Fieweger will send (email) the CMC amended ByLaws to Board members to take one last look for corrections before they become posted on our website by May 30.

Lloyd Johnson will contact (member) Bill Moir asking his permission to attach Bill’s recent KGW TV spot to our CMC website.  Bill agreed and his ‘spot’ showing his heroic aviation team will be featured.


Greg Benesh  Met with the CWWGA & Niners on how we can work together to raise funds for employees through social events.  More to come on this.

Chris Bensel wants to look at the ‘enhanced’ version of GG in the Fall – much more expensive;  to provide more options for scheduling, collecting fees, scoring, etc.

Search for a new CMC Board member continues.  Bob Bozak was interviewed, yet said no to the opportunity.  Board members will continue the search for a single spot

CMC liability insurance renewal is coming soon.  Mike Williams will look into it and inform us if we need to change anything – coverage or company.

Gene Harp said he and Tim Tyler will come to the June Board meeting with a proposal for the Charbonneau Cup.

Meeting adjourned @ 4:15 pm

Next CMC Board Meeting:   June 4. 2024 @ 3 PM

Joe Fieweger

CMC Board Secretary