
CMC Board Meeting April 2, 2024

Minutes     Draft

Attending:   Benesh, Bonino, Brown, Fieweger, Harp, Johnson, Stout, Swanson, Williams.  Absent:  Groshong, MacLeod, Tyler

Guest: Perry Esterson

President Greg Benesh began the Board Meeting at 3:02 pm in the Card Room of the Clubhouse.

April 6th – Kickoff Breakfast see for 7 am:  65 players signed up plus 8 more for just Breakfast.  CB will provide the tee sheet and the scoring for this scramble.

May 1 – First of the season ‘Men’s Night Out’.  We will be able to take and process credit card payments for this event.  Lloyd J mentioned we will be using Square as the cc pay provider.

Perry Esterson:   Grounds Crew and Course maintenance – Our Greens Superintendent, Matt, has resigned to take the job at Langdon Farms.  CB is interviewing 4 replacement candidates this week.  Matt told Bill Shevlin he hopes to move up career-wise to a championship course.

Crew is doing drainage work on a few of the worse draining bunkers.

It was relayed that via observation by several Board members that played Monday, 4/1, that the tee boxes were in poor condition, as well as unraked traps, and several unrepaired pitch marks on the greens.  Result of heavy public play on the weekend??  Is there a need for a ‘golf etiquette’ seminar?

Mike Williams:   Mike provided the current (3/31) Balance Sheet and Income statement to all Board members.  Finances for CMC are ‘fine’, with no pressing issues.  

Bill Stout:  Printed up appropriate “Pace of Play” flyers.  He suggested a flyer be given to all attending the Kickoff Breakfast along with the new blue 2024 CMC Directory.  Good idea. 

Also, it will be stressed at the Breakfast, that any need to cancel a playing commitment for a CMC event must involve a call to the Pro Shop before the event.  The playing tee sheet, for all who confirmed to play, will only be issued/sent ONCE – two days before the event by the Scoring committee.  According to Bill, the response to the emails of either “playing” or “not playing” is good but not great.

Only 50% respond to the emails sent by the Scoring group.

Lloyd Johnson:  Lloyd will attempt to take pictures of many of the CMC members at the Breakfast, then download to the website.  This should help new and old members get to see whom they will be playing with, especially with random pairings. 

Lloyd noted that the Breakfast would not be a good venue to review the website functions.  All agreed.  

For the New Member Coffee/Donut outing on March 15th, we had 14 new members attend along with 5 Board members.  It was a successful event in the card room and should be continued each pre-season.  Lloyd demonstrated and explained our new CMC website.  

Greg Benesh:  Greg met in March with the 2 other golf associations (CWGA and Niners) along with CB to discuss an employee scholarship Golf Event, as well as, holiday Couples Events which may include some playing just 9 holes.  More details later on this.

Greg and Lloyd suggested a “Buddy” program, whereas a Board member would contact one of the new members and schedule a golf round to make them feel welcomed, explain how GG works, how to enter scores, how to confirm a play date, etc.  

The Board agreed and will start to contact the new members.

CMC Board member (VP) Spencer Groshong was having surgery today and is expected to be a non-playing member for some time. 

Richard MacLeod (Social) is enroute from the SW and may be her for the Saturday Breakfast event.  Tim Bonino mentioned that Richard has pre- arranged with the Market Café to handle the Breakfast.

A Final note:  Ron Swanson indicated to Greg B that he will be resigning from the CMC Board.  Ron will be missed.  

Next CMC Board Meeting: May 7th

Joe Fieweger – Secretary