CMC Board Meeting January 2, 2024 MINUTES
President Greg Benesh called the meeting to order at 3:01pm in the Board Room
of the Charbonneau Activity Center.
Attending: Benesh, McLeod, Fieweger, Harp, Tyler, Groshong, Stout, Brown,
Swanson, Williams and Johnson. Bonino attended via phone from MN. Absent: 0
Guests: Tom Taylor and Perry Esterson
JF started the meeting by sadly noting that longtime CMC member, Don Fish, was
dying of congestive heart failure. According to Don’s son, Duane, Don Fish not
expected to make it through the day. (Don passed at 7:30 am Jan 3 at age 91)
Perry Esterson – Nothing new to report from club play & maintenance. Red
Course still opened on weekends. December green fees were up substantially
over 2022 due to exceptional playing weather this year.
Spence G – Reports that “forms” are being produced for the Invitational to
Players and Sponsors.
Mike Williams – Sent out the updated Balance sheet (to the Board). Mike noted
still trouble with current Bank (signatures, etc.) & we have $8k in a Saving
account. OGA dues will be expected soon.
Gene Harp – Send to Tournament Committee the ‘Final’ CMC playing/event
calendar for the 2024 season. It will be posted on the CMC website by early Feb.
The Final calendar will be sent by T Tyler to the Board members.
Richard McLeod – Membership total as of 12/31/23 is 202. That’s +2 over last
year at this time. 15 ‘new’ members (2 without email addresses). Will send
another notice on April 1 to those who haven’t renewed and may be South for the
R Mc – Social calendar for 2024 season has been completed and sent to the
Board. He will meet with Nicole to clarify pricing this month – will report the
numbers at our Feb meeting.
Note: Nicole not feeling well these days due to Chemo treatment.
Chilli & Chowder event has 15 so far. Other clubs (CWGA, Niners) will send out
the flyer/poster to their members.
Lloyd Johnson – Website Demo! Website being re-done to draw players and
members to the site to 1) easily sign up for golf events, and 2) use the new
website for this instead of Golf Genius. Lloyd explained that the new site has to
have a ‘product’ which can be requested and brought to a ‘cart’ to be checked out
and registered for or purchased ( i.e. Register for Wednesday’s CMC game, or
register and pay for the Chilli & Chowder event). Future payments will be made
into the website using a card instead of a check to the pro shop. Cost? Lloyd says
Pay Pal is 2.9%, Square may be less.
The new CMC website looks fresh, simple and interesting! It will be simply:
GB mentioned that today all of our payments are filtered through the pro shop.
The new website will allow all members to see and/or register for: social events,
tournaments, current player roster, results, photos, etc.
MOTION made by Lloyd J : We (CMC Board) go forward with a payment
processor to handle credit cards . 2nd by GB. Voice Vote: Motion Carried.GB
stated – Next step will be to discuss with Chris Bensel (GM).
Mike Brown – OGA. Our CWGA & Niners officers will meet with OGA on Jan 8 to
review the 2024 handicap changes. Mike Brown, Jim Gibbons and Dan Wilcox
plan to attend.
Mike noted that the Women occasionally have different “local” course rules then
the Men (i.e. drop zone and OB procedure for play). Gene Harp brought up the
“root rule” as a local rule pertaining to CGC. This is not uncommon. The Board
sensed that a ‘golf clinic’ defining the local rules is needed. The CGC meeting in
January will determine when a “Jim Gibbons/Chris Bensel Rules” seminar will be
scheduled for the community.
Meeting Adjourned @ 4:27 pm. Next Board Meeting February 6 (Card Room)