CMC Board Meeting MINUTES June 5, 2023 @ 3 PM
June, 2023 Men’s Club Board Meeting Agenda
QUORUM present: Mason, Brown, Lloyd, Tyler, Groshong, Fieweger, Benesh, Stout, Harp
Absent: Nguyen, Bonino, and McLeod
Don1 – Received a letter from John Nguyen resigning his Board position effective June 4, 2023. John and
his family have relocated to Arizona and distance is the issue. John has been excellent as a Technical
Advisor. John offered to help the CMC Board when he can.
Hopefully, Tom Taylor can help locally for John Nguyen, which includes the year end President’s report.
Board Positions expiring Nov 1, 2023: CMC President and CMC Treasurer.
May go to our CMC website to invite nominations. Mike Brown offered that CMC members are using
the website much more often.
Looking for Nominating Committee volunteers to help with search for board positions. No takers today.
TBD – Rules of Golf update – Gibbons in May? J Gibbons already gave a brief rules seminar to CWGA and
Niners. Date for a CMC rules meeting with Gibbons unclear.
Jun – Renew Board Liability Insurance, Treasurer Don2 has taken care of the liability insurance last
Don2 reports: $900 profit from the Memorial Day Couples event. Some complaints that the pricing was
too high. Don2 reports we have $8500 in Bank saving, and there was a short discussion of the source of
this fund as well as its purpose. Don2 reminded Board that event pricing to date was same as in 2022,
and that CMC needed a profit on some events in order to pay CMC expenses not covered by dues.
Don2 suggestsed pricing for upcoming events. The pricing suggested covers F&B and the prize pool for
the event. Don2 asked for a MOTION approving the pricing subject to a review of September events in
light of actual results for June thru August events.:
June 21 MNO $25 profit is $2 G Benesh proposed the requested MOTION on
July 4
th Couples $30 profit $0
July 13 MNO $25 profit is $2 T Tyler seconded
Sep 20 MNO $25 profit $0
Labor Day Couples $40 profit $0 MOTION carried on summer event pricing
- CGC Monthly report – Perry Esterson Perry reports that Permits have been received to
start the permanent Patio “Tent”. 1
st will be the concrete footings, 28 day wait for
Perry adds the Tee Boxes are narrower to keep the entire space from wear and tear,
plus to prevent crowning
New Business: None
Joe F suggestion made to find way to collect broken tees on each tee box. M Brown suggested we go
back to the evening “adopt a hole” clean up.
Vice President Report: Groshong: Invitational Committee report Spencer addressing the plans for the
Invitational Aug 2. Current sign up is lagging, about 30+ so far. 69 CMC members had promised to sign
up during the questionnaire. Need 72 players. The official CUT OFF date for Invitational sign ups is July
- Spencer will send out another notice to all members this week. Gen Harp suggested that a ‘sign up
notice ’be put on every tee sheet from now on.
Spencer added that the construction on the Clubhouse will commence this Fall – unsure if this will be an
obstacle not only with parking but with confusion (during the Invitational). He added that C Bensel feels
that both Nike and Columbia Sports would be receptive big sponsors. What about the golf equipment
folks who offer fitting sessions on site?
Membership: 231 members: Don2 reported only 1 new member in last cycle.
Publicity/Communications (Mason, Groshong): Nothing new
Treasurer Report (Lloyd) Don2 sent the latest financials to all CMC board members this week
Tournaments: Tyler, Harp Report that all Tournaments have gone well. Participation is up in ’23.
Unsure of the exact %. G Harp suggested we take a ‘re-look ’at the payout splits for gross/net for the
next CMC season (’24). Sign up for the end of June “Member-Member” event is in the pro shop the
team cost is $20.
OGA Liaison (Brown): Update M Brown reports nothing new from the OGA
Interclub Cooperation Committee (Mason, Groshong): Don2 Reminded the board that the CMC gives
the CGC a $1000 check at the end of the season for employee “Christmas Bonus’”. Our budget for this
year contemplates a similar donation in 2023. This has been done by giving a check payable to Chris so
he can distribute cash to employees as he deems appropriate.
Don 2 understands The other golf Associations also give a check to Chris. (Don2 has subsequently
learned CWGA did not participate last year, and neither did the Niners).
Don2 reported that some board members have questioned him as to why the donation when CGC is
having boom years particularly where CMC dues fail to cover all CMC general expenses. The board
discussed the issue and there were a lot of suggested alternatives such as CMC handing out cash or gift
cards to employees it feels are deserving, but it was also pointed out that CMC does not know all
employees and who merits a bonus and that Chris is in a better position to know who does. It was
suggested we need more transparency as to where the money goes. Don2 added that perhaps at the
October board meeting Chris can be invited to tell us how he does this.