
September, 2023 Men’s Club Board Meeting Agenda (revised 9/4/2023)
Below is the agenda for this month’s Board Meeting in the CCC Card
Room at 3 pm. 3:00 pm call to order
CALL TO ORDER 3 pm – Location– Card Room at the Event Center
QUORUM present/absent: Mason, Brown, Lloyd, Tyler, Groshong, Fieweger,
Benesh, Stout, Bonino, Harp, McLeod All present except Don 2 (Lloyd)
Aug – Develop Next Year Budget, Treasurer and all Chairs Greg B and Mike
Brown stated that the OGA was increasing their 2024 membership price by
$6. We should increase our CMC membership dues to accommodate.

MOTION was made by Mike Brown to increase CMC annual dues by $5.
MOTION was carried. 2024 CMC dues (starting Nov 1, 2023) will by $80 for
early payment/renewal (paid from 11/1/23 through 12/31/23), and $100 starting in
January 2024 for the season. Therefore, $80 (early) & $100 after Jan 1, 2024.
Greg B has (pre-meeting) provided updated Balance Sheet, Invitational P&L, and
a structure for the 2024 Budget.
Aug – Publish Notice of Annual Meeting Date, Secretary Joe F has posted the
NOTICE for the CMC Annual Business October 14, Saturday Breakfast followed
by a 4 man Scramble. Notice is on the board outside of the Pro shop. It was
discussed whether this Annual meeting should be a dinner or the current
breakfast in the future. It will stay as an October breakfast for now.
The breakfast will now forego the published member directory, CMC officer’s bios
and event calendar in place of electronic listings on the CMC website.
Sep – Prepare 1st draft of year 2023 schedule to CCC to reserve rooms for
events, Social Chair Richard McLeod has developed a 2024 CMC social event
calendar of events and handed out a hard copy to the board. These events
approximate the similar dates of the 2023 actual calendar.
A “Chilli Cook Off” was discussed as a wintertime event that Marketplace would
cater, perhaps using a Super Bowl theme (2/11/24). No additional plans were
Tim B indicated there were 17 requests for the Scholarship applications. So far,
our scholarship balance is $1203. The checks are normally given out by Chris B
at Thanksgiving time. We lost an anonymous donor ($1000/yr.) to this program.
The dates for the next Invitational were discussed whether to change the
weekdays from the current Thursday (practice round) & Friday to Wed & Thurs,
or Tues & Wed. It was unanimously determined to stay as a Thursday & Friday
for 2024.
Oct 3 – 3:00 pm Board Meeting
Oct 14 – Prepare and Present Annual Report to Members at Annual Business
Meeting Notice posted. 7 am Breakfast
1. CGC Monthly report – Perry Esterson Perry said the Permanent Patio
Structure will be getting side curtains this Fall. No name for this structure
determined yet. Chris has hired a new Asst. Landscape Superintendent,
Dylan Pelham who appears to be talented and should be quite helpful for
the golf course. The Grounds Crew is currently planning 3- 5 years out
which include bunkers and paths.
1. Election of Lloyd Johnson to Board MOTION initiated by Greg B to have
Lloyd Johnson join the CMC board. MOTION seconded and carried by
unanimous voice vote. Happy to have Lloyd Johnson join us as the newest
CMC board member. We are fortunate that among Lloyd’s talents are
website creation, strategy, repair and effectiveness. Very timely, as Lloyd
pointed out that our CMC website is in dire need of an update. Welcome
Lloyd!! The Oct. Board meeting will spend time with a website agenda item.
2. Staffing for Community Information Day – September 5 @ 4:30 pm setup;
Event 5 pm to 7pm The event was discussed and staffed by CMC board
members: Bonino, McLeod, Brown and Fieweger. Handed out CMC
applications to 8 – 10 potential new members.
3. Match/matches with Woodburn Estates? Don1 was contacted by
Woodburn Estates golf pro asking to set up a ‘home & home’ match with
his men’s club and CMC. No details yet, but an event could be planned.
4. Recommendation to the CMC Board is to immediately establish clear
guidelines and parameters specifying how Golf Genius is to be used for
the inclusion and best case examples for all CMC members.Began by
discussing the accessibility of (our – Charbonneau) Golf Genius software
to too many people. Can an individual set up his/her own ‘league’ using
GG? No, any new individual or couples league 1st need the approval of
Chris Bensel, then need approved weekly/monthly proshop tee times.
New Access to Golf Genius is only through Bill Stout. Noticed contention
in the board room as far as 100% inclusion into some leagues or events.
The tournament committee suggested creating an electronic list of ‘eligible’
singles willing to play in future Couples events, as well as for men’s and
women’s events. Both CWGA and the Niners would do the same. Good
Vice President Report: Groshong: Invitational Committee report Spence
discussed the success and feedback of the 2023 INVITATIONAL and the work
put into the event. 90% positive, a few issues: slow play on practice round and
not adhering to the 10 stroke max gap with teams – also that Nicole needs larger
serving staff for big events. He is updating the Invitational Binder for future help.
Pacific Golf backed out of their donation ($500), and that bigger donors will be
contacted much earlier in the year in 2024.
Membership: 236 members: McLeod
Publicity/Communications (Mason, Groshong):
Treasurer Report (Benesh, Lloyd)
 Review Financial Reports sent prior to meeting. Present by GB
 Tournaments: Tyler, Harp New Charbonneau Cup format is being created
to allow for larger payouts (no trophies) in appreciation to those CMC
members who not only garnered the most points but also supported so
many of the season’s events. The details of the new CUP format will be
sent to the members prior to 9/15.
Social: 1. McLeod – Men’s Night Out 9/20 Last of the season. Nicole will cater.
2. Review draft schedule for 2024 R M created 2024 calendar Review at Oct
OGA Liaison (Brown): Update M Brown Red course closed again this winter,
new golf course tee markers (metal) coming in place current ones.
Greg B – Still need 2 more CMC Board spots to fill. Please send suggestions.
CGC Inc. Advisory Committee Liaison (Brown): Update
Interclub Cooperation Committee (Mason, Groshong): Update
CONFIRM NEXT MEETING DATES: (Updated for 2023) All meetings are at 3
pm, unless noted otherwise. Tentatively set for CCC Card Room.
June 6
July 3 – (Monday due to 4th on Tuesday)
August 1
September 5
October 3
November 7
December 5
ADJOURN: 5:12 pm