
CALL TO ORDER 3 pm – Location– TBD 3:03 pm (April 4, 2023)
QUORUM present/absent: Mason, Brown, Tyler, Groshong, Fieweger, Benesh, Stout, Bonino, Harp,
McLeod Absent: Lloyd, Nguyen
Mar – Assemble data and text for Member Directory, Membership Chair
John Nguyen did a great job on the CMC booklets for the 4/1/23 Breakfast. No Shows about 12.
Breakfast Recap: Food was cold, coffee not ready. Next time – eat first then have the presentation.
G Benesh reports that CMC has been billed AND has already paid for the Breakfast.
Apr 1 – 7:00 am Kick-Off Breakfast event
Publish Member Directory and HIOPP Celebration
Apr 4 – 3.00 pm Board Meeting
TBD – Rules Update – Jim Gibbons Don1 states the Rules Seminar date is undetermined. Yes, still need it
May 2 – 3:00 pm Board Meeting
May – Initiate Invitational Sponsor Solicitations Process, Invitational Chairs
Groshong: Invitational Update – Will have a Meeting with the committee next week to determine:
Budget, Poster, promotions, and sponsors. 69 CMC players responded positively to play. Entry FORMS
to be made and sent out ASAP. Entry deadline targeted for July 1.
CGC Monthly report – Perry Esterson Perry provided news on the golf course: green damage on #6
Yellow (aerated too deep, will survive) take 4 weeks of playing temp green. Trees out #4 Green as well
as fill in of sand trap. Crew will begin doing cart path ‘patching’ of holes. Next year will focus on tee
Perry made note of near future problems with PARKING at clubhouse, Activity Center, and Event
Center. Will be need for at least 65 more spots. With construction plans (new permanent golf patio
tent, Tennis & Pickleball enclosure) this Spring and Summer, plus Event Center rehab. May need to take
out some of the boulevard trees and curbs to provide more spaces. Hope not.
I-5 Toll Petition: Impact of tolling on Charbonneau. The possibility of having to pay tolls at the Boone
Bridge is very real. We need to be proactive and understand the implications as this does not just affect
Charbonneau residents, the impact will be felt by all members, businesses in Wilsonville, and our
everyday activities and needs.
The Charbonneau Golf Club and CCC rely on people and businesses outside of Charbonneau. The large
majority of golf rounds and golf club revenue comes from the public. Having to pay to cross the bridge
will be devastating and have a long-lasting effect on our lives.
A petition to prevent this and send a message to our Civic and Government leaders is located in the Proshop. Simply ask at the counter.
Should we ask our Club Members to sign this and protect our golf course and Country Club? Do me
need to do more than that? CMC has taken no action yet. Tolling was briefly discussed at the 4/1
Breakfast by Chris Benzel as to it’s negative impact with CCC employees as well as public golfers. Board
agreed that preparing for and attending the 4/14 meeting at our Event Center will be important.
Mike Brown has fielded some questions relative related to Winter Rules/Preferred Lies, as suggested by
the USGA. We as a club need to decide whether we invoke Winter Rules anytime there are golf cart
restrictions’ which would include when the 90 degree rule is in effect. We will need to let the pro shop
and members know when these rules apply. We will need to discuss the exact details of our rule
(example: is relief 1-club or 6 inches?). Mike Brown presented for debate and/or a MOTION to be voted
upon. When and in what manner will the CMC play “lift, clean and place for a muddy ball”? The Board
discussion suggested that the pro shop initiates the 90 degree golf cart rule (when the course is wet).
Should that be the automatic sign that the CMC event, that day, will be ‘lift,clean & place’? And,
importantly, must the player inform his partner? Also, will ‘lift, clean & place’ be honored in the rough –
off the low cut fairway? How close to the initial spot of the ball can a “cleaned” ball then be placed?
We have to get on the same “page” with this before penalty strokes are assessed.
Mike Brown said he will write up a specific provision on “muddy ball, lift, clean & place” that we can
VOTE on at a future Board meeting.
Vice President Report: Groshong: Invitational Committee report Spencer Groshong reported that CMC
members had reported ‘slow play’, and he suggested each Board member be vigilant while playing.
Several suggestions were mentioned. Bill Stout said not only use ‘ready golf’ in your foursome, but 1st
two players putting out on a hole immediately proceed to the next tee box. Chris Benzel would have to
authorize any monitoring of slow play by the Board members.
Membership: 221 members: Richard MacLeod reported on new CMC membership update which
includes 20 new members. He also put together an Exel sheet of several “past” members we have had
on the books last year (as many as 38) but have not responded. Have they moved, still down ‘south’, or
unable to play? The Board will help to identify potential 2023 members.
Publicity/Communications (Mason, Groshong): New outdoor permanent TENT will take additional 28
days to allow the concrete footings to settle. This will delay the opening.
Treasurer Report (Lloyd) Don2 sent the latest (March 2023) CMC financials ahead of this meeting date.
Review Financial Reports sent prior to meeting.
Tournaments: Tyler, Harp Reported no new changes to Tournament play at this time.
Social: McLeod MacLeod reported that he has arranged with the Marketplace for the FOOD for the
first Men’s Night Out, as well as for the Memorial Day Couples Scramble Event
OGA Liaison (Brown):
Update CGC Inc. Mike Brown said nothing additional to add to Perry’s report, as noted above.
Interclub Cooperation Committee (Mason, Groshong): Update Nothing new. Will arrange a meeting in
the next week or 10 days.
CONFIRM NEXT MEETING DATES: (Updated for 2023) All meetings are at 3 pm, unless noted otherwise.
Tentatively set for CCC Card Room.
May 2
June 6
July 3 – (Monday due to 4th on Tuesday)
August 1
September 5
October 3
November 7
December 5
ADJOURN: 4:42 pm Joe Fieweger