CALL TO ORDER 3 pm – Location– Boardroom of Activity Center
QUORUM present: Mason, Brown, Tyler, Groshong, Fieweger, Benesh, Harp, (Bonino, McLeod, and
Lloyd via speaker phone)
Guests: Perry Esterson and Tom Taylor
Feb – Prepare File IRS Forms 990 EZ, Treasurer Don Lloyd prepared, submitted & was accepted.
Don Lloyd received State Farm Puppo Agency Quote for CMC $1MM Liability Insurance Policy of $306
per year.
MOTION taken – Unanimous vote – motion carried. Yes to the State Farm Quote.
Don 2 reminded the board that he & Richard inventoried the CMC party materials in basement – and we
should plan to use what we can during the Kick-Off.
Don 2 sent a Board memo (3/1) explaining the CMC Bank change, Insurance Quote, and message to
budget the same Entry fees for 2023 for MNO and Couple’s Holiday events after conferring with Nicole.
MOTION taken – Unanimous vote – motion carried. Yes to keeping the Entry fees for
MNO ($35) and for Couples Holiday Scramble Events ($40).
Don 2 Submitted Financials. Income statement (11/1/22 to 2/28/23) & Balance Sheet 2/28/23
Mar 7 – 3:00 pm Board Meeting at CCC
Mar 15 – 8:00 am Welcome New Members Meeting & Golf No tee sheet yet. Will sign up thru pro shop
or GG notice via email. Board members to participate: Harp, Fieweger, Brown, Benesh, Mason
Mar – Rules of Golf update – April? No date scheduled for seminar in April.
Mar – Assemble data and text for Member Directory, Membership Chair Don Mason said he will
complete the “blue book” for the Kick – Off Breakfast event April 1. Richard will not be back in
Charbonneau by 4/1. Richard and Don Lloyd report there are 212 members as of 3/1.
Apr 1 – 7:00 am Kick-Off Breakfast event: Nicole is ‘on-board’ with the food for 4/1. Don Mason will be
gone 4/1, Spencer Groshong will substitute at the program MC.
Publish Member Directory Blue Book will be published a week before the Kick-Off event 4/1
HIOPP Celebration No discussion
CGC Monthly report – Perry Esterson Perry reports the Remodeling of the Event Center (clubhouse) will
be delayed to late August at earliest and likely the 4th Quarter 2023.
New permanent “Tent” outside of the Pro Shop planned for April.
No more golf course changes planned at this time (Tree removals, sand trap eliminations, tee box
changes). Two layers of top dressing have been added to the fairways – should show thickness by end
of Spring.
NEW BUSINESS: “Root Rule” confirmed by Mike Brown. As of 3/1, ball resting on/near exposed tree
roots or cart path edge; player can clean & place within 1 club length with no penalty. However, the
player has responsibility to notify playing partners FIRST.
Motion taken – unanimous vote . “Root Rule” carried and adopted.
Mike Brown – handed us a report of the last Charbonneau Green & Golf Committee minutes (2/19). The
Minutes show the timetable for landscaping projects and repairs needed on each course. (copy
Tom Taylor – CMC Website Review. Tom showed the board the new feature of the CMC website for
signing in and for going to the player listing tab – controlled by GG.
Players (members) can check calendar, game results and tee sheets without using a sign in.
Sign In requires opening the top right tab and entering an ID code: “CMC2023”
The ‘Sign In’ accesses the Player information: Name, email, Ghin Handicap, and phone number.
Tom said there will be a training session planned for 3/30.
Richard said the ‘new’ members are listed, but may not have a Ghin handicap yet. Individual members
cannot change their player profiles on their own – Bill Stout’s group can assist to make a change needed.
Vice President Report: Groshong: Invitational Committee report
Spence (re: the Invitational) handed out the expense listings from the last Invitational (2019). He
compared the 2019 expenses with the proposed cost table Chris Bensel produced last month. With a
player entry fee, this year of $225, and with help gathering a modest list of Sponsors, the 2023
Invitational should be close to the budget Chris suggested. Spence said we will need 60 Teams
Minimum. CMC prefers to have 100% of the teams with a current Member. Spence may write up a
brief survey asking CMC members whether they plan to participate in this Event with a friend. The hope
is to keep the Invitational among CMC members and their guests. Perry Esterson may compose a brief
message to be used to gain Sponsors.
Invitational Planning Meetings, by committee, will be active in the next couple of months
Membership: As of 3/1; 212 members: McLeod
Publicity/Communications (Mason, Groshon) no activity
Tournaments: Tyler, Harp 2023 Tournament calendar set, and posters made for Pro Shop use.
OGA Liaison (Brown): Update No activity
CGC Inc. Advisory Committee Liaison (Brown): Mike submitted CGC Minutes of 2/19/23
Interclub Cooperation Committee (Mason, Groshong): Update No activity
Joe Fieweger read Note of Thanks sent to the CMC from Cheryl Barnum, wife of Bob Barnum.
January 3, 2023
February 7
March 7
May 2
June 6
July 3 – (Monday due to 4th on Tuesday)
August 1
September 5
October 3
November 7
December 5
ADJOURN: 4:28 pm
Joe Fieweger