
January 3, 2023 Men’s Club Board Meeting Agenda
CALL TO ORDER 3 pm – Location– Board Room at the Activity Center (upstairs)

QUORUM present: Mason, Brown, Lloyd, Tyler, Groshong, Fieweger, Benesh, Stout, Bonino, McLeod
Guest – Jay Puppo – Review of CMC insurance coverages with State Farm. Our current policy doesn’t
cover everything we may need. $1000 deductable. Covers: Defense costs, extends to partners, protects
us as a group & individuals. Not covered: liability of bodily injury, if people attending event get food
sickness. If we charge $ for an event and have alcohol, get the OLCC people to put us on their policy –
will then have CMC covered. Need an additional comprehensive provision to our policy, adding about
$800/year to cover liabilities mentioned. Jay P. Don2 will receive a proposal from Jay P (State Farm)
Golf Genius – Bill Stout and Tom Taylor Linking current CMC website to Golf Genius software. Allows
for CMC members to access event tee sheets, rapid changes to scheduling, and importantly, results in
faster time than ’22 season. Presentation included clear benefits to using GG portal on our website, as
well as clear navigation (handout) using CMC website. The “linking” has been successful! Motion to
adopt this new system, 2nd by Greg B, Carried by unanimous voice vote. Instruction on how to
navigate will be presented to the members during winter seminar of at welcome breakfast.

Jan – Activate only Paid-Up Membership in GHIN, Membership Chair New CMC membership for 2023
season (beginning April 1) 203 with 17 first time members. Don2 has 193 with 17 new members as of
Jan 3. Will have clarification before Feb board meeting.
Possible confusion by the pro shop desk and the new CMC members paying their annual dues and asking
for a receipt. MOTION made, 2nd by Richard M, Carried by voice vote to add on the registration form a
“box” to check if wanting a receipt. If so, we will provide one via email.
Jan – Set Games for Tournaments and Play-Days (18-holes and 9-holes), Tournament Chairs
Chris Bensel reported that Glen Ferguson had a hole-in-one (Green # 5 with 7 wd) . HIO pot is at $800.
The TENT outside Pro shop “blew away” during recent wind storm. Area has been cleared and CC
Board is looking into another ‘tent’ structure in same location, same size yet wooden and permanent.
The Red Course on plan to re-open for golf on March 1.
(Feb – 5:00 pm Chili Cook Off Event at CCC)Richard McLeod researched past Chilli Cook-offs as a stand
alone event. After board discussion, a winter/spring event is too soon with COVID 19 caution in our
community. Will delay a Chilli event until 2024
Feb – Prepare File IRS Forms 990 EZ, Treasurer Don2 will address this. Don2 provided our Board the
fiscal year end, and calendar year end statements on Jan 1 via email

CGC Monthly report – Perry Esterson Perry provided the information of the ‘new’ TENT and the update
on the concerns of the Grounds Crew

Nine-Hole Survey Results Overview Richard McLeod and Tim Bonino prepared, distributed, and analyzed
an 11 question survey to the regular 9 hole Group. It was comprehensive and well done. Essentially,
the 9 hole CMC wish to be included in MNO, Special events, keep the same time slots for Wed & Friday,
use GG software, and want their 27 hole championship to cover all 3 courses on 3 consecutive
Should we continue to publish a directory pamphlet with member names, game descriptions and game
schedules? Tim Tyler said Yes, to publishing updated ‘blue book’ another year. Will hold off printing
until just before the April 1 breakfast.
Tyler and Harp have the 2023 Tournament and Event schedule finalized. More discussion on the
Charbonneau Cup is planned before deciding whether it will be and individual or team event.
Vice President Report: Groshong Will schedule the Men’s Invitational Event Planning meeting in
January. CWGA may not assist in 2023 with hospitality, etc. Niners?? Other CMC members??
Membership: 203 members: McLeod
Treasurer Report (Lloyd)Will check with Nicole on meal cost expectations for 2023 events then
determine event entry fees.
Review Financial Reports sent prior to meeting
Tournaments: Tyler, Harp – review of schedule for 2023 Schedule and Event dates set for 2023.
Social: McLeod Chilli cook – off mentioned above, will be delayed a year
Invitational – Groshong: Committee
OGA Liaison (Brown): Update Must encourage 9 hole CMC members to post more scores
CGC Inc. Advisory Committee Liaison (Brown): Suggestion to schedule an off season rules seminar
involving all golf groups
Interclub Cooperation Committee (Mason, Groshong): Update
CONFIRM NEXT MEETING DATES: (Updated for 2023) All meetings are at 3 pm, unless noted otherwise.
Tentatively set for CCC Card Room.