
CMC Board Meeting February 6, 2024 MINUTES

Gregory Benesh, President, Calls meeting to order at 3:01 pm. Clubhouse
Attending: Benesh, Bonino, Fieweger, Groshong, Harp, Johnson, McLeod
(remote), Stout, Swanson, Tyler, Brown. Williams absent. Guest: Tom Taylor
Shout Out: Gene Harp Hole-in-One on Yellow #7 (Feb ’24)! His career 4
Chris Bensel, GM & PGA Pro, attends to deliver the 2024 Invitational application
form for Aug 1 &2.
Perry Esterson (guest), Course Maintenance update: Milroy landscaping will be
working on draining projects on Green course. Should take place in March/April
and may shut down some playing areas during the work. Plan is to work on main
and lateral fairway drainage, 3 tee boxes, and at least 2 sand traps.
March Board meeting will be 3/5 in Board Rm of Activity Center: focus will be on
membership update and CMC New member coffee, donuts and golf 3/13, Wed.
Spence Groshong VP: Invitational update. Reviewed the application form CB
handed out. Spence active is getting Sponsors which may affect the cost and
payouts. 72 (two man) teams appears to be our goal – could possible add a few
more. This is a CMC major event, each team must have a CMC member. Teams
can have a maximum handicap spread of 10 strokes only. Latest signup date is
7/1. Invitational is not to be confused with a fundraiser.
Richard McLeod: remotely, On Membership, as of 2/1, CMC has 205 paid
members. 15 are new to CMC. New Member Breakfast (coffee & donuts) and
golf is March 13 (Wed). Board members offering to join/play: Taylor, Fieweger,
Ron Swanson, Tim Tyler. Bill Moir will attend.
Mike Williams (Treasurer): Submitted updated (2/1) CMC financials to all board
members. CMC in good shape – balance over $31K, still have the GHIN fees of
$8K. Balance includes the $790 from successful ‘Chilli & Chowder’ January event

attended by nearly 200. Carol Riley of CWGA ran a 50/50 donation which added
to the net total. Tim Bonino and Richard McLeod created this winter event to
raise $ for the employee scholarship fund. Great job! Richard asked whether we
need to keep a ‘reserve’ balance. Answer will be at March board meeting.
Spence provided the 1st posters for the OHSU Cancer Research golf Fundraiser
planned for September 9th. It will take the format of the former “Pink Ball” event
run by the Niners. It will now be run by all three associations.
Lloyd Johnson: New website DEMO. Lloyd showed how a ‘post’ can be made on
the CMC website. Either a paper message or email or picture given to Lloyd is an
easy post i.e. Hole-in-One. GOAL is to draw attention to upcoming events. Users
of the new website “cmcgolf.org” wishing to access player profiles by going to the
‘club’ tab will need a password, as the link takes one to Golf Genius. A ‘backup’
webmaster needs only “WordPress” software experience to handle all on the
CMC site. Lloyd demonstrated how events are posted, as well as results. He said
his work is nearly completed on the website. We will make a brief introduction to
the website at the welcoming breakfast in April.
Mike Brown OGA: Mike sent to all board members the OGA interpretation of the
F-9 local rule. The “root” rule. It concluded that the OGA cannot support our local
root rule as is. Suggestion was made to limit the area of hindrance to same
mowed level as the fairway and cannot get relief if the roots only interfere with
player’s stance. More to come.
Tim Bonino & Ron Swanson: Villager articles. The consensus is the CMC column
by TB and RS has been excellent. Realizing the deadline the Villager needs, the
news and events have been fun to read.
Joe Fieweger: CMC Bylaws update. JF mentioned that our Bylaws were last
updated in 2020, which was before Golf Genius and our new website. Time to
update. Joe with help of board members Ron Swanson and Gene Harp will do it.
Plan to get our changes completed and verified prior to March Board meeting.
9 Hole Group of CMC wishes to change the GG coordinators for 2024 season. Ken
Sutton who was the coordinator for last two years will no longer do it. Joe

Sharpsteen and Tom Vaughn asked to be the new coordinators and to be trained
on GG. Will arrange a time/date with Bill Stout and Tom Taylor to have a brief
session with them.

Greg Benesh adjourns this meeting: 4:37 pm